for a broader purpose 意味

  • もっと広い目的{もくてき}で


        for that purpose:    そのために
        for the purpose of:    ~の目的{もくてき}で、~のために She traveled to Hong Kong for the purpose of shopping. 彼女は買い物目的で香港へ行った。 For the purpose of this agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning as defined below 《契約書》本契約書において
        for this purpose:    このために
        of purpose:    はっきりした目的で、計画的に、故意に
        on purpose:    on purpose 好んで このんで 意図的 いとてき 態と わざと
        on purpose to:    ~するつもりで He did it on purpose to hurt me! 彼は私を傷つけるためにそんなことをしたのよ!
        purpose:     1purpose n. 目的; 意志; 用途; 趣旨. 【動詞+】 satisfactorily accomplish one's purpose 目的を十分に達する The reform failed to achieve its purpose. その改革は目的を果たしそこねた Constant worry achieves no purpose.
        to no purpose:    to no purpose 虚しく むなしく
        to purpose:    《to (the) purpose》適切に、要点を得て
        to the purpose:     to (the) púrpose ((やや古))適切な[に]《◆to the pointの方が普通》 His explanation was to the ~. 彼の説明は的を射ていた.
        with the purpose of:    ~という目的{もくてき}で
        broader application:    broader application 広義 こうぎ
        broader effort:    広範囲{こうはんい}な努力{どりょく}
        broader issue:    広範{こうはん}な問題{もんだい}
        broader market:    広域市場{こういき しじょう}


  1. "for a brief moment" 意味
  2. "for a brief period before the war he did cubist paintings" 意味
  3. "for a brief season" 意味
  4. "for a brief while" 意味
  5. "for a broad range of goods" 意味
  6. "for a camera to be shaken" 意味
  7. "for a century or two" 意味
  8. "for a century or two 1,2" 意味
  9. "for a certain amount of time" 意味
  10. "for a brief while" 意味
  11. "for a broad range of goods" 意味
  12. "for a camera to be shaken" 意味
  13. "for a century or two" 意味

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